Oneicesa Washington MSN, RN is a daughter of the Most High God, YHWH and a follower of His son, Jesus Christ! Honoring God with her life and the anointing upon her life, that He created and gave her, is her purpose! Oneicesa knows that God created her to love and care for pregnant women and babies and to have a powerful impact on families!

Oneicesa Washington lives in Winston-Salem, NC with her husband, Joshua and their youngest daughter Victoria Joy. Their oldest daughter, Joshlyn, is attending college in Alabama. Oneicesa has 17 years experience as a Registered Nurse, with her first 13.5 years in NICU and currently with Public Health. She is also a Birth Doula. When she is not assisting a birth, Oneicesa enjoys her blessings of her family, homeschooling her youngest, serving and living a significant life of faith and deep devotion unto God with her church family/tribe and working with first time mothers and their families.